SWILP Post Secondary Institution Assessment

Canada Logo

ECO Canada is pleased to offer the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program (SWILP) a Co-op Placement Program through funding from Employment and Social Development Canada.

The SWILP Co-op Program offers eligible employers up to $5,000 in wage subsidies to hire students for meaningful environmental placements in science, technology, engineering, mathematics or business within the environmental sector. Placements must be between 6-16 weeks in duration.

Complete the questions below if you are a Post Secondary Institution with a Co-op Program that you feel would be a fit for the SWILP program. An ECO Canada SWILP team member will contact you within 10 business days to discuss next steps.


Contact Name:

Institution Name:

Email :

Phone Number: (valid formats: 123-456-7890 or 1234567890)

Does your Canadian institution currently have a co-op program?

Are the students you are interested in placing in an environmental focused program?

Do the students you are interested in placing have an element of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math or Business to their education?

What session would you be interested in beginning co-op placements for your students?
